Connected Car Life
zubie connected car

A Connected Car Upgrade That Can Help Fix Your Car




You know that check engine light that’s been on your dashboard for the past three months? As much as you might avoid car problems in the hope that they will just magically go away, if you have a check engine light it means something is wrong. While sometimes it can be minor, like if you don’t tighten the gas cap all the way on a BMW, it’s better to fix the issue before it gets worse.

In another addition to connected car add-ons; Zubie is entering the fray with their OBD-II plug-in device. Utilizing an app for your phone this unit can monitor and grade your driving habits, real time location monitoring, locate the closest gas station and read any check engine codes.


While there are plenty of devices in the market that offer the same features, Zubie takes it to another level of usefulness. If you car has a check engine code it will give you a detailed explanation of the cause and an estimated cost to repair. It can even let you know what local repair shops can fix the problem.


Currently Zubie has two models, the basic unit is free but has a yearly service plan of $99.95. The top-end unit includes a WiFI Hotspot using Verizon’s network and comes in at $99.95 plus a $10 monthly service charge.