Connected Car Life
Plex Makes it to Android Auto

Plex Comes to Android Auto




Users of the server based media player can now listen to their libraries while they drive with the release of Plex integration into Android Auto. Just like how you would use Google Play Music or Spotify to listen to music, Plex works the same way.

If you are unfamiliar with Plex, it is a client-server media player that allows you to access your music and movies from multiple devices.  Geared for people that download the actual music or movie files, Plex will categorize your media files so you can access them from anywhere you are. Typically users choose a desktop computer that is always on and connected to the Internet to store all of their files but there are cloud storage versions available as well.


Plex supports a wide range of music formats, from AAC to FLAC, so for the audiophiles out there that want to create their own personal streaming service like Spotify this new Android Auto integration will be music to their ears.


For more information visit Plex


How to use Plex with Android Auto 1